quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2012

A baby shower? Emanuelle’s birthday? Who knows? kkk

Last Friday, 25th May, was a special day for me. I am Luciano Martins, Pibid’s trainee. Today I woke up at 6 o’clock but I got up at 7 o’clock I stayed in the bed thinking about my life and the future. “Today I have a meeting at the university about PIBID English. Our meeting today will be at 9:30 in the morning. Today is raining and I think that I will go to meeting however I know about my compromise and I cannot skip this meeting. My situation is not easy: my wife is pregnant (She is deprived my attention, poor darling!), it is raining, I am tired, I cannot go on foot ( I don’t have much money, so I walk everywhere) but I must go to the meeting”. I went to my compromise. Our group is very special and I like everybody however I do not know if they like me. Imagine, today is Emanuelle’s birthday and I did not know. Our class prepared a party for her, I thought… We sang the birthday’s song for her and we went to another classroom for a coffee break, so… I found out the truth, today it is NOT Emanuelle’s birthday and this party was a baby shower for me. I could not believe, it was fantastic. I was touched and this party was very funny. This date, 25th May, was special because I found that our group is composed of special people that like me. My daughter, Helena, is coming to the world and today she got many presents and her dad (I) suffered the embarrassment for this but I loved doing it. Thank you very much Pibidenglishers. You are special in my life (together we can change the future!).
Bolsista: Luciano Paulino Martins

Por favor ignorem as poses >.<

Comentários dos bolsistas sobre encontros, aulas e oficinas

Encontro com os Indianos

O encontro foi ótimo, estava com medo do meu inglês na hora da apresentação dos slides, depois que tanto li e reli e estava lendo bem, não teve a apresentação. Mas o que mais gostei e achei interessante foi perceber que entendi muitas coisas que eles diziam, não sabia ao certo como responder mas entendia o que eles queriam dizer, exceto se falassem muito rápido, daí me confundia um pouco. Me incentivou muito, depois desse encontro sei que quero poder me comunicar com os outros(estrangeiros) que venham pra cá. Me deu mais certeza do que quero, aprender inglês.(Loriane)

Segunda-feira, dia vinte e um de maio, foi um dia diferente para mim. Sabia que encontraria quatro intercâmbistas da Índia, mas não sabia que o shock cultural seria tão grande. Essa semana nas aulas de inglês estudamos um texto sobre “Culture Shock”, muito conveniente para a situação. Eu pensava que o povo indiano fosse parecido com o povo brasileiro, mas não são. Os dois países são muito parecidos no clima, na comida, os problemas que existem nos dois países são quase os mesmos, mas a cultura e as pessoas são totalmente diferentes. Não consegui conversar com os intercâmbistas, mas pude perceber o respeito e a seriedade que eles possuem. A tarde foi maravilhosa, conheci um país totalmente diferente do meu e pessoas de uma cultura muito rica, que é a Índia. (Emanuelle)

  • A experiência foi fantástica, conhecer uma nova cultura, principalmente vinda do oriente, faz com se torne ainda mais interessante. 
  • Antes de conhecê-los tive um receio em como agir perante eles. Pois até então, não havia tido nenhuma oportunidade de conhecer alguém do oriente, e pelo pouco que vemos pela televisão e internet temos um conceito totalmente diferente do que pude ver no encontro. 
  • São muito divertidos, senti que já estão se sentindo um pouco brasileiros. rs.
  • E claro que é impossível para nós que temos o inglês como nossa língua estrangeira, deixar passar em branco o comentário sobre o sotaque deles. Foi fundamental ter o contato com outra língua diferente da que estamos acostumados, a britânica e a americana. (Eliandre)
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On Monday, May 21st, 2012, PibidEnglishers went to Campus UEPG – Uvaranas - to welcome the Indians exchange professionals that were visiting our city, Ponta Grossa. First we greeted all of thm and then started all the presentations about what they were doing in Brazil, how was their city, culture, path of life, sights, ways of dressing, parties, customs and everything that we don’t know very well. The Event was called “PIBID UEPG – ROTARY INTERNATIONAL: CONNECTNG CULTURES, BUILDING KNOWLEDGE” where that all the Pibid colleagues could get together to present different aspects from our country such as music, food, tradition, customs… We also did a dynamic with them, that they had to say what they liked in Brazil, what they occupations are, and names in Portuguese, to practice a little bit of our language, and of course, some students said all these in Hindi, their language. After the presentations, dynamics and the coffee break, they showed us how was the dance in their country. And some people had to dance with them. We must say that is a very cool dance and that we had fun!
Thaisa Prado

terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2012

Workshops based on games

The 12 UEPG PIBIDEnglishers ran various workshops based on games at the Colégio Estadual Professor Júlio Teodorico. The workshops were held from the 14th to 21st May in collaboration with Silvana Dück and Mara Lúcia Serpa, English teachers of the 8th, 9th graders and senior high school students from the morning and evening groups.

The workshops are part of the activities that PIBIDnglishers will develop until the end of the project in 2013. The decision to have activities based on games came from a questionnaire the students answered in 2011. “Real or virtual” games were mentioned as the number one free time activity by most of the students.

Thus, one of the aims of the workshops was to relate students´ interests and the learning of English. Students not only had the opportunity to learn about the origin of various games and pastime activities, their rules, but also play and have fun. Some of the games were not new to the students such as bingo, chess and peteca, while others were new, for example, lame chicken and the glove. One of the highlights of the workshops was the game created by Suelen Hneda, a game in which students had to use their logical skills. It was a very fun and challenging game.

PIBIDENglishers tried as much as possible to provide students with meaningful English learning opportunities. I can say the experience was quite positive to the future English teachers as they had research about games that could be used in EFL classes, develop materials for the games, plan and run the workshops and deal with unexpected situations.

I would like to thank the collaboration of the pedagogical and managing team for their support before, during and after the workshops. Special thanks for the teachers who kindly swap classes and schedules with the English teachers, the ladies who helped organize and clean the classes and for the managing team that allowed the use of the multimedia TV.

Thaisa de Andrade Jamoussi

domingo, 13 de maio de 2012

Reuniões de Fevereiro, Março e Abril

Nos meses de fevereiro, março e abril o Subprojeto PBID Inglês, realizou em torno de oito reuniões, essas reuniões ocorreram sempre às sextas-feiras, como já é de costume. Durante essas reuniões, diversos temas foram abordados, vários recados foram passados aos bolsistas e muitas atividades desenvolvidas, como apresentações de trabalhos, preparações para eventos e atividades para um melhor desenvolvimento da proficiência em L.E dos alunos.

PIBID English takes part at the III Abrapui Congress

 The III Abrapui Congress was held at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Florianopolis from the 5th to the 9th of May. Abrapui stands for Associação Brasileira de Professores Universitários de Inglês and the theme of the congress was Language and Literature in the Age of Technology.

The congress started on a beautiful Sunday afternoon with various workshops. I attended the workshop about Web2 tools 4 EFL Classroom and Beyond given by professor Vera Lúcia Menezes de Oliveira e Paiva (UFMG). It was a mix of a presentation and a “hands-on” workshop in which participants had the chance to learn and try some tools for the teaching of English.  Professor Menezes showed how some tools such as bookr, wallwisher  and  glogster have been used by her students and how they can contribute to teachers´ and students´ interaction.

In addition to the workshop, I had the opportunity to attend individual and joint presentations, round tables, as well as three poster sessions (not to mention the delicious coffee break!). The theme of the presentations included initial and continuing English teacher education, reports of classroom experiences, recent research about teacher education and reports of activities developed by the PIBIDs from Paraná, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul.

My participation in the congress consisted of a poster about the PIBID – English  UEPG whose title was A Formação Inicial de Professores de Língua Inglesa: Reflexões sobre o PIBID. During the poster session I was able to exchange ideas and experiences with teachers and students involved with PIBID. Needless to say, it is always and enriching experience.

My second presentation, a joint session entitled Formação Inicial e Continuada de Professores de Língua Inglesa: As Contribuições do Estágio, da Extensão e de um Programa de Incentivo à Docência – which was held on  9th May with professors Clarissa Menezes Jordão (UFPR) and Édina Aparecida Cabral Buhrer (UNICENTRO).

Presenting and watching presentations at the Abrapui congress contributed to my professional development and allowed me to discuss experiences about successful (and not so successful!)  classroom practices with teachers from all over Brazil. Also, I had the opportunity to meet undergraduate, graduate students, and researchers from Para, Paraná, Alagoas, Mato Grosso and so many other places.

I would like to thank CAPES and the PIBID UEPG institutional coordination for the financial support that allowed me to travel and participate in the event.

Thaisa de Andrade Jamoussi – DEMET – UEPG – Coordinator of the PIBID- English Project at the UEPG

terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2012

Viagem Cultural

Na última quinta feira, dia 26 de abril, dois Pibidenglishers, convidados pelo Pibid Francês, participaram de uma viagem cultural até a cidade de Curitiba. A primeira parada do grupo aconteceu na Cinemateca de Curitiba, onde o filme “Brasa adormecida” do diretor brasileiro Djalma Batista, foi transmitido para os pibidianos. Em seguida o filme ”Brasa Dormida”, de Humberto Mauro, que serviu de inspiração para o título Brasa adormecida, da primeira sessão, foi passado para que tivessem conhecimento da origem do nome e contexto do primeiro filme. Após conhecermos as instalações e os acervos de mídia e películas cinematográficas da cinemateca, o grupo se dirigiu até o Shopping Palladium de Curitiba, onde almoçaram. Em seguida, no mesmo shopping, o grupo visitou a livraria Cultura, aproveitando para comprarem livros, DVDs e CDs. O último lugar a ser visitado foi o Museu Oscar Niemeyer, podendo ser apreciadas, além de outras exposições, mostras dos trabalhos de Goya, do fotógrafo Lituano Antanas Sutkus, e do grande artista paranaense Poty, finalizando um dia de grande aprendizado artístico e cultural. 
Phellip Willian Gruber.